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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

What is Milia - Whiteheads-Acne

MILIA (whiteheads)

Milia are deep seeded white bumps that form when skin cells and sebaceous matter become trapped rather than exfoliate naturally. Milia can occur anywhere on the skin and are prone around eye area and cheeks. As the surface is worn away, the tiny white bumps) may resolve on its own. Far too often, though, intervention to remove the cyst (white bump) through extractions using a lancet may offer more rapid resolution. Best done by a professional!!!! Exfoliation can go a long way in helping deal with milia prone skin. By keeping the epidermis thin and smooth, you can cut down on their formation. By mentioning exfoliation, I'm not talking about scrubbing off the top layer of your skin! One way is to use a gentle exfoliating scrub 1-2 times a week another is to undergo a periodic series of gentle peels and/or using aha (alpha hydroxy acid) or beta hydroxy acid (salicylic acid) creams at home and regular use of clay masks can help remove unwanted surface debris and cleanse the pores.

Milia can be caused by:

- Heavy Skin Care Products: The most common reason for milia is applying to your skin heavy skin care products not suited for your skin type or poor quality product.

They may prevent the sloughing of dead epidermal skin cells. I find that many moisturisers with sunscreens or heavy sunscreens are culprits to this problem. The eyelids are very thin and more likely to experience problems with milia due to cosmetics. Re-evaluate your eye cream, make-up and eyelid make-up remover if you are finding this to be a concern.

- Sun Exposure: Due to sun exposure skin forms a thicker epidermis and thicker skin makes for more road blocks in the pathway to exfoliation. This is where peels (glycolic,pumpkin, bha or other) really make a difference! This is another reason why I do recommend to use aha creams after the summer months!

- Or maybe you just have the type of skin which has the inability to exfoliate itself properly!


Is a plug of keratin and sebum within the follicle, frequently containing bacteria. The dark appearance is due to the reaction of the oil to the air, and specks of melanin. When the hair follicle is filled with an excess of oil from the sebaceous glands and an accumulation of dead cells occurs, a blackhead forms and creates a blockage at the mouth of the follicle. Treatment for blackhead and milia are the same!


Acne is not a skin disease, it is a skin manifestation of changes that occur in the body!

Follicles sometimes get blocked. Sebum (oil) which normally drains to the surface gets blocked and bacteria begins to grow! Hormones and stress are big culprits of Acne!

A lot of acne treatments are available to the public even though their approaches differ widely most of them work really well if you are willing to follow directions and be consistant in their regimen . If you do not put the effort and time and stick religiously to a routine there's no product line that will help.

The guidance of a skin care professional is a major advantage in dealing with acne! It takes time and patience to deal with acne! There is no quick fix! Also remember what works for one person may not work for you!


Anyone with problem skin I highly recommend that you visit or be guided by a skincare professional, I have seen too many people self treat and making things worst for themselves because of their confusion on what to do! It will be money well spent! I suggest acne treatments for deep cleansing with the use of appropriate products.

Some Reasons for Acne Flare ups:

~Puberty because hormone levels are fluctuating

~Hormones during mensturation or menopause - low estrogen levels


~Reaction to Bromine usually found in chocolate and dark colored soft drinks. This does not affect everyone because not every body reacts to bromine. Some people will get a breakout after eating an excessive amount of chocolate!!!!!!!

~Improper Cleansing, using the wrong products or lack of ~Stress, Nerves and Fatigue

Linda Professional Esthetician/Owner Elle's Esthetic Studio http://www.ellesestheticstudio.com

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